The following represents disclosure information provided by authors of this abstract. The program committee has reviewed all presenting author disclosure reports, identified potential conflicts of interest, and implemented strategies to manage those areas of conflict, where appropriate. All relationships are considered compensated. Relationships are self-held unless otherwise noted. I = Immediate Family Member, Inst = My Institution
Open Payments is a public database containing information reported by companies about payments made to US-licensed physicians (Open Payments)
Development of an algorithm using natural language processing to identify metastatic breast cancer patients from clinical notes.
Krishna Kumar Swaminathan
Employment - Symphony AI
Emma Mendonca
No Relationships to Disclose
Pranay Mukherjee
Employment - Symphonyincubator Business Services
Karpagavalli Thirumalai
No Relationships to Disclose
Rachel Newsome
Employment - Concerto HealthAI
Travel, Accommodations, Expenses - Concerto HealthAI
Babu Narayanan
Employment - General Electric; Symphony AI
Stock and Other Ownership Interests - General Electric; Symphony AI