The following represents disclosure information provided by authors of this abstract. The program committee has reviewed all presenting author disclosure reports, identified potential conflicts of interest, and implemented strategies to manage those areas of conflict, where appropriate. All relationships are considered compensated. Relationships are self-held unless otherwise noted. I = Immediate Family Member, Inst = My Institution
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Dosimetric feasibility of dose-painting radiotherapy for targeting hypoxia in prostate cancer on a novel ring gantry radiotherapy system.
Karine Feghali
Employment - Refelxion Medical
Tanguy Perennec
No Relationships to Disclose
Oluwaseyi M. Oderinde
Employment - Reflexion Medical
Arjun Maniyedath
Employment - Reflexion Medical
Alexandra Moignier
No Relationships to Disclose
Caroline Rousseau
No Relationships to Disclose
Ludovic Ferrer
No Relationships to Disclose
Gregory Delpon
No Relationships to Disclose
Matthieu Hatt
No Relationships to Disclose
Yves Seroux
No Relationships to Disclose
Melanie Doré
No Relationships to Disclose
Stephane Supiot
Employment - Astellas Pharma; AstraZeneca; Bayer; Ferring; Ipsen; Janssen; Takeda
Speakers' Bureau - Gerson Lehrman Group
Research Funding - Astellas Medivation (Inst); Janssen (Inst)
Travel, Accommodations, Expenses - Ipsen
Other Relationship - Astellas Pharma; Janssen Oncology