The following represents disclosure information provided by faculty of the educational and scientific sessions. The Committee have reviewed all presented disclosure reports, identified potential conflicts of interest, and implemented strategies to manage those areas of conflict, where appropriate. All relationships are considered compensated. Relationships are self-held unless otherwise noted. I = Immediate Family Member, Inst = My Institution
Open Payments is a public database containing information reported by companies about payments made to US-licensed physicians (Open Payments)
A first-in-human, phase 1 study of the SHP2 inhibitor PF-07284892 as monotherapy and in combination with different targeted therapies in oncogene-driven, treatment-resistant solid tumors.
Alexander Drilon
Employment - No Relationships to Disclose
Leadership - No Relationships to Disclose
Stock and Other Ownership Interests - Treeline Biosciences
Honoraria - Answers in CME; Associazione Italiana Oncologia Toracica (AIOT); AstraZeneca; BeiGene; Chugai Pharma; Clinical Care Options/NCCN; Helsinn Therapeutics; i3 Health; IASLC; Ignyta/Genentech/Roche; Liberum; Loxo/Bayer/Lilly; Lung Cancer Research Foundation; Lungevity; NIH; OncLive/MJH Life Sciences; PER; Pfizer; Remedica; Remedica; Research to Practice; RV Mais; Sirio Libanes Hospital; TP Therapeutics; Verastem
Consulting or Advisory Role - 14ner Oncology/Elevation Oncology; Abbvie; Amgen; Applied Pharmaceutical Science; Archer; AstraZeneca; Axis Pharma; Bayer; BeiGene; BerGenBio; Blueprint Medicines; Clinical Care Options; Clinical Care Options; EMD Serono/Merck; Entos; EPG Health; Exelixis; Genentech/Roche; Hengrui Therapeutics; Ignyta; Janssen; Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network; Liberum; Lilly; Loxo; Med Learning; Medscape; Melendi; Merus; Monopteros Therapeutics; Monte Rosa Therapeutics; MORE Health; Novartis; Nuvalent, Inc.; Ology Medical Education; Ology Medical Education; PeerView; Pfizer; Prelude Therapeutics; Repare Therapeutics; Takeda/Millennium; touchIME; Treeline Biosciences; Tyra Biosciences
Speakers' Bureau - No Relationships to Disclose
Research Funding - Foundation Medicine
Patents, Royalties, Other Intellectual Property - Wolters Kluwer (Royalties for Pocket Oncology)
Expert Testimony - No Relationships to Disclose
Travel, Accommodations, Expenses - No Relationships to Disclose
Other Relationship - Boehringer Ingelheim; GlaxoSmithKline; Merck; Merus; Pfizer; Pfizer; PharmaMar; Puma Biotechnology; Taiho Pharmaceutical; Teva
(OPTIONAL) Uncompensated Relationships - No Relationships to Disclose
(OPTIONAL) Open Payments Link - No Relationships to Disclose