Ana Velazquez Manana
University of California, San Francisco

Last Updated On 4/2/2024 4:04:15 PM
This is a disclosure report of the user financial relationships with for-profit health care companies.
All relationships are considered compensated unless otherwise noted. Relationships are self-held unless otherwise noted.

No Relationships to Disclose

No Relationships to Disclose

Stock and Other Ownership Interests
Company: Corbus Pharmaceuticals
Recipient: You

Company: MJH Life Sciences
Recipient: You
Company: Curio Science
Recipient: You
Company: MDOutlook
Recipient: You
Company: Guidepoint
Recipient: You

Consulting or Advisory Role
Company: AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals
Recipient: You
Company: Merus NV
Recipient: You
Company: Novocure
Recipient: You
Company: Regeneron
Recipient: You
Company: Abbvie
Recipient: You

Speakers' Bureau
No Relationships to Disclose

Research Funding
No Relationships to Disclose

Patents, Royalties, Other Intellectual Property
No Relationships to Disclose

Expert Testimony
No Relationships to Disclose

Travel, Accommodations, Expenses
Company: DAVA Oncology
Recipient: You

Other Relationship
Company: Pfizer
Recipient: You

(OPTIONAL) Uncompensated Relationships
No Relationships to Disclose

(OPTIONAL) Open Payments Link
Open Payments URL: