Debra Patt
Texas Oncology PA

Last Updated On 5/22/2024 2:06:59 AM
This is a disclosure report of the user financial relationships with for-profit health care companies.
All relationships are considered compensated unless otherwise noted. Relationships are self-held unless otherwise noted.

Company: MedNax
Recipient: An Immediate Family Member
Company: Texas Oncology
Recipient: You
Company: The US ONcology Network
Recipient: You

Company: Mednax
Recipient: An Immediate Family Member
Company: Texas Oncology
Recipient: You

Stock and Other Ownership Interests
Company: Mednax
Recipient: An Immediate Family Member

No Relationships to Disclose

Consulting or Advisory Role
Company: Pfizer
Recipient: You
Company: Roche
Recipient: You
Company: AstraZeneca
Recipient: You
Company: Amgen
Recipient: You

Speakers' Bureau
No Relationships to Disclose

Research Funding
Company: Merck
Recipient: Your Institution
Company: Eisai
Recipient: Your Institution
Company: Seattle Genetics
Recipient: Your Institution
Company: Lilly
Recipient: Your Institution

Patents, Royalties, Other Intellectual Property
No Relationships to Disclose

Expert Testimony
No Relationships to Disclose

Travel, Accommodations, Expenses
Company: Pfizer
Recipient: You
Company: Amgen
Recipient: You

Other Relationship
No Relationships to Disclose

(OPTIONAL) Uncompensated Relationships
Company: Navigating Cancer
Recipient: You

(OPTIONAL) Open Payments Link
not answered